Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Our Trip to the Library

Today we had a wonderful time at the library!  We left school, and walked down East Boulevard to the Lynx station.  There was a lot to talk about on the way....and lots of Christmas decorations to see! The highlight of the walk there was most definitely when our Fire Station #2 friends went by and blew the horn at us!! The Lynx ride was great!  Through tunnels, over traffic, and lots of people on and off.  Our stop was the last stop on the tracks!  We made it just in time for Family Storytime.  Today's topic was DRAGONS!  The librarian read three stories about dragons, we sang lots of songs....and she ended with bubbles.  Before we left we took a short tour around the library, looking at the computers and the books.  We were surprised to see Santa was at the library.  We didn't stop to talk or take pictures....but we all said HI!  The ride back to school on the Lynx was just as fun, only the kiddo knew more about what to expect.  Back at school, there was only time for lunch and a few Christmas songs before it was time to go home!  It was a crazy, busy, super fun day today!  And the kids did GREAT!!

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