Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cold Pricklies and Warm Fuzzies

Ms. Michelle was here today with an obstacle course for us to follow.  First the kids had to follow the directions of the colored dot....the first one said touch your toes and, then the second one told the kids to tip toe to the next station.  They had to push the weighted ball through the tunnel before throwing it to knock down three bowling pins.  Then two more colored dots.....frog jumping, and hopping back to their seat.  The second time through Ms. Michelle changed the colored dots so the kids had to slow down and read the words or look at the pictures.  Finger fun was in three small groups.  The first group used tongs to sort fruit into colors, the second group searched for shapes inside a bowl of plastic noodles, the third group used clothespins for a matching activity.  

Today's book was If You're Angry and You Know It by Cecily Kaiser.  This book gives us some good strategies to use when we are angry.  We can stomp our feet, walk away, take deep breaths, and tell a friend.  Everyone gets angry, but we have to make good choices about our behavior even when we feel angry.

We made a chart of all the feeling words we could think of....and the kids came up with some good ones.  They were able to describe situations that might make them feel certain feelings....and we all had fun making faces to match the emotions.  

The second part of the language activity was talking about Cold Pricklies and Warm Fuzzies.  Cold prickles are things that make us sad or mad....and warm fuzzes are things that make us feel happy or good.  We only want to use warm fuzzies in our classroom.  We are all friends and it's important that we do things to make our friends feel good. We practiced some things that we could say and do to use warm fuzzies.  Saying please and thank you, being helpful, waiting our turn, and saying kind things are all good ways that the kids talked about.

For art, we made paper plates with Warm Fuzzy Faces and Cold Prickly Faces.  The kids drew faces for each side and then we played a game.  Ms. Tiffany would tell us a situation, and the kids would show the face of how that would make them feel.  It was lots of fun....and hopefully will give us some language to talk about behavior and how it makes others feel.

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