Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Crazy Wednesday!

Today was a super busy day with LOTS to do!  We started the day with some quiet book time instead of at the Touch and Feel pool.  We weren't there too long, because we had so much to talk about in the morning circle.

Ms. Danielle was here today helping us practice some baseball skills.  It was super muddy outside, so we had a modified indoor baseball game.  Each kiddo took turn hitting the ball off a tee....with reminders to do it easy.  Then they all ran the bases.  Everyone cheered for everyone else.  Great little sportsmen!  Then we played a game of pass the ball around the circle....with 6 balls.  The kids were concentrating and encouraging their friends.

"Today we saw Ms. Laura for music. We worked with rhythm sticks, playing on the beat, fast and slow, loud and soft. Ms. Laura had us tap the floor, our knees, and cross our arms then tap our toes! She said this makes our brains work harder. We played drums, and shakers and bells, while singing "Old McDonald had a Farm"- we got to pull animals out of a bag, and make animal noises while playing our instruments. We then sang a song about the Police, and how they help us stay safe. We talked about how we call 911 only in an emergency! We danced to a song called "Bop Til u Drop", during which we spun in a circle, jumped, moved in slow motion, and wiggled our whole bodies. We then sang a song called "Oh Im glad I'm Not  a Turkey", and read/sang a book about giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day called "Thank you Thanksgiving" Ms. Laura says "Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Gobble Gobble!""

No story today....we read the kids the story that we will perform for the Holiday Show in December.  We talked about what that would look like, who would come, and what the different parts in the show would be.  They were all super excited.  Hoping to send the books home tomorrow, so that you can help us practice at home too!

Mr. Jon was here today for MyGym.  We started the day with some stretching.  Once we were all stretched out, he gave us our surprises....which were pom poms.  We did all kinds of pretend play with the pom poms, even wearing them on our heads!  Our gymnastics activity for today was making our bodies a bridge.  Hands and feet on the mat, while pushing up our middles.  The next thing we did was to move in circle like different kinds of animals.  Mr. Jon would call out an animal name, everyone would start to move in that way, all the time listening for "FREEZE" to indicate a new animal.  The game for today was Grab Your Tail.  We used the belted tails, and each child had one, with the object of running around pulling off other people's tail and keeping your own.  The practice skill of the day is the Inch Worm.  This sills builds arm, should and core strength.  Have your child crouch with their hands by their feet.  Then have your child slowly walk their hands out until he/she is in a "plank position", and then slowly walk feet up to hands.

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