Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Learning About The Police!

Today we started the day with the Touch and Feel pool full of letters and numbers.  We made words, practiced sounds, counted, and ordered.  As always, lots of learning happening at the pool!

Ms. Michelle came today....and finally we got to be outside!  Each kiddos took a turn riding a tricycle through a road course of cones.  Pushing the pedals AND trying not to knock over the cones.....took a lot of concentration and coordination.  Once the bike ride was over, the children used a grabber to pick a colored frog, and carry across the dots and river stones, until tossing it in a matching colored hat.  Sustaining the grasp on the grabber turned out to be more difficult than expected.  Got work on building those muscles!!  Finger fun was strings and beads, lacing boards, and sewing.  There were lots of choices, and we took turns passing around our favorites, but everyone was hard at work.

Our book today was I'll Be A Police Officer (When I Grow Up) by Nancy Parent.  This book describes all the jobs of the police and how they help the community.  The book also talks about the uniform and tools the police use to do those jobs. 

During language circle we made a recall chart of all the new police vocabulary that we learned.  The kids were good at describing things....but we needed some practice with the specific vocabulary.  We clapped out syllables and reviewed the words many times.  

For art today we made paper plate police cars.  We colored the cars blue, added two windows, two tires, a red light on top, and a star police badge.  It was a cute completed project....but easily the noisiest art we made this year.  LOTS of sirens blaring around the tables!!

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