Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What's In The Barn?

Today we started the day with the Touch and Feel Pool full of colored eggs.  The kids had to find two matching ends and put the eggs together.  There was lots of talk about Easter.....and where eggs come from.....and whether or not the children liked eggs or not.

Ms. Danielle was back today to start off the Spring season of Young Athletes.  We started with a game of Musical Dots.  The kids walked in a big circle until the music stopped.  Then, they had to find a colored dot to stand on.  Each time we took away 2 dots, until we ended up with a game winner.  Then, we moved to a two at-a-time race.  First step was to jump over a hurdle, then wind around back and forth between several cones before jumping in a hoop.  The last step was running to a colored dot.  After everyone had a turn, we all moved to the parachute for a fun game of listening and following directions.

Our book today was Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown.  This is a story about all the animals on the farm and how they spend time together during the day....and all sleep in the barn together at night.

After the book we spent some time talking about animal sounds.  The kids could all easily name sounds for any animals we could think of.  We predicted that by using our sense of hearing, our brains would be able to figure out what animal sound we were hearing.  The kids were amazing!

For art today we made big red barns....and each child got to choose which animal was on the inside.  Once the barns were put together, the animals were "colored" with do-a-dots which are good for building fine motor skills.  They the children had to match the correct animal sound with their animal.  The pages were marked with the sound....and then the guessing games began.  The kids went around to their friends, made the animal sound, had them guess, and then showed them what was on the inside.  Fun times!!

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