Today....because we were so brave.....I decided to take pictures of the Touch and Feel Pool. It was full of dirt, and planting tools. There were gloves, shovels, small diggers, and small rakes. The kids pretended to plant a garden, and sifted through the dirt to see what they could find. Thankfully, there were no worms or spiders!!
Ms. Michelle was here today. She started her session with an obstacle course. First there was marching, then there were tunnels to go through, then a bean bag toss, and last, a balance beam and ring toss. Lots of organization and motor planning skills at work. Each kiddo took two turns....and sometimes waiting our turn is the hardest part!! Finger fun was buckets full of packing peanuts, seeds, and beans. There were some special surprises hidden down in the bottom, so we had to carefully dig down and see what we could find. We even used our fine motor muscles for cleaning up....because finding and picking up tiny beans off the carpet is a tedious task!
Our book today was Grow It! This book was about a little girl who worked on planting a garden with her parents. They planted, and took care of all the plants....finally ending up with a wonderful garden full of flowers and vegetables.
For language circle, we made a chart of all the things we might need if we were planting a flower garden. The kids remember some of the vocabulary from the story and even added in some of their own. We talked about planting gardens was so much fun....and it made our yards colorful and pretty to look at.
Art today was a little chaotic! The final project turned out super cute....but the process had a lot of steps and the glue was certainly not cooperating with the children!! We made paper flowers using cupcake wrappers. Green pipe cleaners served as the flower stems, the cupcake papers were the petals, with seeds in the middle.....and the final touch.....dirt along the bottom. We did the project in small groups....but the result was still complete messiness! There was dirt....and glue.....and seeds.... EVERYWHERE!
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