Thursday, September 17, 2015

We Love Mommies!

Touch and Feel today was full of Wiki Stix.  Wiki Stix are a great fine motor tool for strengthening little hand and finger muscles.  The kids made all kinds of designs and shapes....candy canes, houses, circles, trees, and chains.  Separating the stix for cleaning up is much harder than putting them together, but we all worked together and got it done!

Today's book was Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother Too? by Eric Carle.  Do animals have mothers too?  Yes....of course they do - just like me and you!  From baby kangaroos to baby elephants to baby bears - every kind of animal has a mother.  And they all have one thing in common....their mothers love them very, very much - just like our mommies love us!

Our language activity was all about pronouns.  We have learned about all the people in our families....but it's important to know that some of those people can only be boys....and some can only be girls.  Daddies, uncles, and brothers can only be boys.   Mommies, aunts, and sisters can only be girls.  We use "he" when talking about boys, and "she" when talking about girls.  After some practice talking about our friends (He is a boy.  She is a girl.), we talked about some of our family that could be either boys or girls, like cousins and babies.

We decided on a sensory activity that served as art but didn't leave us with a project to take home.  We played, drew, wrote in shaving cream.  Some kids were more willing to be adventurous, and some needed a little prompting.  Some kids were having significantly more fun than others....but it's wonderful to report that everyone participated!!

Before lunch we went on a walk around the neighborhood to practice being out on the streets for our Out and About trips.  We walked on the sidewalk, looked both ways for traffic, and made sure to stay off our of friend's feet!  They all did such a great week should be no problem!!

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